NetSuite SRP-Optimize and elevate your service driven Business

NetSuite ERp

Apart from carrying out businesses solely based on product sales and their pricing, global businesses couldn’t afford to ignore the effectiveness of project, service and resource-based planning. SRP precisely obtains the information of how much time, resources, knowledge and skill is required to accurately meet the customer requirements, in turn increasing the project profitability and growth

Netsuite SRP transfigures your business by integrating essential business management tools such as ERP, PSA, Customer relationship management, Accounting and Financials with a robust SaaS cloud solution.

With NetSuite SRP, you gain complete hold of your entire business from the moment a new lead is identified through to project delivery, invoicing and revenue recognition, all while eradicating double entry and integrations management costs



Key Benefits of NetSuite SRP:

Manage profitability and growth by streamlining operations and optimization of the entire services based business process management along with financial consolidation.

Strengthens visibility into all aspects and health of your service business Optimization of resources utilization, project management and increased billable tasks.

Having knowledge of what your team members are working on, obtaining accurate forecasts and track essential performance measures

Having knowledge of what your team members are working on, obtaining accurate forecasts and track essential performance measures.

Efficient operations with real-time reporting, enhanced time and expense tracking, optimization of cash flow. Robust and configurable dashboards for key metrics and KPI’s.

Integration of essential business elements such as Customer Relationship management, PSA, Accounting and Financials, Project management and accounting, Expense management, Client management, resource optimization and professional services

Features of NetSuite SRP:

Project Management

NetSuite’s project management enables project managers and users to work together on projects and obtain precise project status, letting managers take charge and resolve the critical issues. Building a comprehensive project will help the team to be well-informed and meet the customer demands. Key benefits include proper project planning and tracking, timeline charts and reporting, estimating project profitability, accurate forecasts, client access into project operations and increased billable hours.

Resource Management

Resource management and forecasting is most important for any service-based business to ensure that qualified resources are working on the right projects depending on their skill sets and availability, which in turn increases customer satisfaction and revenue yield. Key benefits include streamlining resources and bookings, knowledge tracking and searching, powerful reporting for resource utilization and improved productivity.

Project Accounting and Billing

Sophisticated project accounting and billing integrates project tasks and operations with financial business process management across your entire service based organization. Key benefits include tracking profits and project finances, integration with essential accounting elements, automated billing to customers, powerful billing rules, and handling internal charge-backs

Timesheet Management

Timesheet is an improved method for employees to enter time with the help of an easy-to-use interface. NetSuite’s timesheet management is easy to use and captures accurate and detailed information for the users. Key benefits include customizable approval workflow, integration with project management and billing and enabling users to fill timesheets anywhere, anytime

Expense Management

Simple and flexible expense management to maximize the accuracy of timelines which allows the users to track their expenses and link them with project management and accounting. Key benefits include accurate expense entry and reporting, customization of approval workflow and improving cash flows.

Client Management

With NetSuite, your service business has full insight into the entire client lifecycle to increase client satisfaction. Having complete knowledge management capabilities, you can manage and track all projects and tasks in real time.


NetSuite’s analytics provides concise and clear insight into every aspect of project processes by having intuitive and configurable dashboards and key metrics reporting. Key benefits include information-based decisions, personalized dashboards, project budgets/profitability, historical and forecast reporting.

Global Business Management

Easily manages global service-driven companies that have multiple subsidiaries and currencies. NetSuite provides complete management of various currencies, international taxation rules and reporting needs.


NetSuite SRP integrates ERP, Customer relationship management, project management and accounting, resource optimization, client management and professional services which are extremely essential for any service-based business. With NetSuite SRP, it is now possible to provide real-time visibility to all stakeholders when the huge amount of concurrent projects are being run.


NetSuite SRP integrates important business elements along with supporting the manner in which service team operates, to transfigure your business into a successful one. It provides a centralized system and enhances productivity across every step of the project lifetime. With role-based insights for all the key stakeholders, visibility and clarity of the business operations increase. The final outcome is higher revenue yields and profitability for the business.

You can also refer this link for NetSuite SRP: Click Here